Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
BEAD QMNI tyre repairs Q-4 |
17 |
FIBRE CHRGE repairs hair |
3 |
TECH tire repairs +ovals |
12 |
DOMEX repel |
3, 5 |
GOOD MORNING mosquito repel |
5 |
APOLLO mosqutio repellant |
5 |
BANAMOS mosquito repellant |
5 |
DUROXANE water repellant |
2 |
GOPAL mosqutio repellant |
5 |
JOIE mosquito repellant |
9 |
LAN-TEX mosquito repellant |
5 |
AGNIREKHA bird repellent |
1 |
CARCAT rat repellent |
9 |
DEAR mosquito repellent |
5 |
DERMIGUARD water repellent |
3 |
FIGHTER mosquito repellent |
3, 5 |
GIZMOCAT rat repellent |
9 |
KID PROOF stain repellent |
2 |
MAGIC mosquito repellent |
5 |
MOSQURE mosquito repellent |
5 |
REPOMOS mosquito repellent |
5 |
SANTRI mosquito repellent |
5 |
SUPADHAM mosquito repellent |
5 |
TUF-KOTE rat repellent |
5 |
YAMATE insect repellent |
5 |
YESPRAY mosquito repellent |
5 |
Z PLUS mosquito repellent |
5 |
mosquito repellent device |
9 |
santri mosquito repellent |
3 |
COLGATE replace |
21 |
OVA replace first +plants |
5 |
I INDUS joint replacement |
10 |
LTI replacement parts |
12 |
SB SUBSWAY replacement part |
12 |
SB automobile replacement |
12 |
replacement |
12 |
VIMCO replacement bond |
11 |
PLUTO sugar replacer |
1 |
LAKME skin replenishing |
3 |
10 STAR report |
16 |
KUONI travel report-india |
16 |
PREG report |
10 |
RAMCO report distribution |
19 |
SOLO report cover |
16 |
STAR report |
9 |
THE TIMES OF india report |
9 |
k-click-report suite |
9 |
KUMUDAM reporter |
16 |
PMR punjab market reporter |
35 |
TOBACCO reporter |
16 |
national reporter |
9 |
ENARADA 'reporting reality' |
16 |
FLEXI reports +spiral |
16 |
visually represented music |
42 |
reptile |
30, 33, 34, 41 |
reptile & circle |
3, 14, 18, 21, 25, 26, 40 |
reptile & circles |
8 |
reptile & oval |
18, 25 |
40 STREET +reptile & square |
42 |
B +reptile & shield |
28 |
BIHU +reptile |
9 |
18, 19, 27 |
BTI GRUPO +reptile |
42 |
BUKA +reptile |
20, 24, 35 |
CHAMELEON +reptile |
18 |
COLOR MASTER +reptile |
19 |
DINOSAUR +reptile |
25 |
DIPSTICK +reptile |
7 |
ECO DRY +reptile |
7 |
FASHIONKEY +reptile |
18, 25, 35 |
GECKO +reptile |
9, 21 |
GECKO +moon reptile plants |
25 |
GIRGGIT +reptile |
25 |
GODAVARI +reptile |
7 |
reptile |
19 |
reptile |
17 |
IGUANA GRIP +reptile |
1 |
INDIGO LIVE! +reptile |
41 |
12 |
IRIS VAN +reptile |
2 |
KACHINDO +reptile |
25 |
KIRLI +reptile & arc |
18 |
KOMODO +reptile & square |
18 |
L,ZARD +reptile |
18, 25 |
LAND IGUANA +reptile |
3 |
LAXMANREKHA +reptile & hand |
5 |
LIZARD +reptile |
35 |
LIZARD +reptile & square |
6 |
MOJAVE eyewear +reptile |
9 |
MOST FIT +reptile |
42 |
NACET +reptile & blade |
8 |
8, 16, 29, 31, 33, 43, 44 |
ORG PEOPLE +reptile & squar |
41 |
TUNE SPRAY +reptile |
42 |
VERTI GRIP +reptile |
19 |
ZEMBOO +reptile & square |
19 |
cartoon of reptile |
37 |
czech repub |
21 |
republic OF CHICKEN |
14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40 |
republic OF CHICKEN +bird |
8, 15, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38 |